Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Wealth Game Reflection (Day Class)

Wealth Game Reflection


  1. A toss-up between Motivation and Effort but I believe Effort to be the most important determinant of wealth. Without putting out the Effort, you won't get any results. I can be Motivated to draw (better), I have the Motivation to draw 1,000 pictures but it'll take Effort to get any better and obtain a Skill. Like a domino type effect, one thing leads to another. Person A, B, and C have the motivation to become successful business owners. They all go to business schools but Person C loses Motivation midway and doesn't give the Effort to continue so he drops out. Person A and B both graduate and have obtained the Skill to become successful. Person A doesn't put the Effort to start his business while Person B does. So now Person A has a useless paper and Person B is a proud business owner. How did Person B get where he is now while the others didn't? He made the Effort to continue despite all three being motivated in the beginning.

    1. I agree with you because if that two didn't have in our life we can't reach our future goal

  2. Hi friends. I think most important factor in wealth motivation and skill because in every human in they are life they have some kind of the goal they want to reach if you want a reach your goal you must want good skill. In my life this two are important to me for example If I'm taking a test If I didn't have a goal or good skill then how can I get a good grade in that test?.

    1. You do have a point. Without skill there's not much you can do.

  3. I think the most important factor of wealth is effort, because without effort you can never make it towards your goal, unless if you're lucky. For most people in order to achieve things, they have to put in the effort. You can have all of the other factors of wealth, but without putting in the effort you're likely never going to go anywhere.

    1. I think you make some very good points. We both said similar thing but my focus was motivation because I just personally felt that it was more important.

    2. I agree with effort you can accomplish whatever you want.

  4. I would have to say that the most important factor has to be motivation. Because without it, it does not really matter if you have the other factors because motivation is acting on what you have and what you want. So even if you are very lucky, very skilled and able to use a good deal of effort; you wouldn't ever want to because you wouldn't have the motivation to get started. Personally, this is the one that I need to use more often also because I just need to get better at motivating myself in general.

    1. I agree with you because is something I have to work on too. But i also think motivation and effort kind of go hand in hand like you cant have one without the other and still succeed to your fullest.

    2. I think thats a solid point your not going to get anywhere laying around. I need to work on that.

    3. right there with ya. i could use better motivational skills. motivation is a key part when it comes to effort, luck and skill. if you're not motivated you wont have an easy time putting one foot in front of the other to get started at what you want.

  5. I think the most important factor of wealth is Luck because the top 1% is generally born into that wealth. Thru no effort, will or skill they have wealth. Such wealth gives them access to expensive education and introduction into employment with no effort of their own. this wealth leads to more wealth wheather or not they have any skill or will to grow their wealth.

    1. We can't all be the 1%, but generally even the 1% have to prove themselves competent in order to stay there.

  6. I think the most important factor of wealth is luck because if you are born into a family that is not wealthy they are going to have a hard time because they wont be able to give the same education as they do to the rich kids. Therefore the not wealthy people have to work so much more to do what they would wanna do while the wealthy people just have to use their money to fix things and they are just gonna use their money to make their life easier. But on the other hand when someone from the lower class learn that they cant buy their things and have to work more and I think that teaches more than just buying your way through life and teaching them new things that will make their life better.

    1. This is in part true, but if a kid is born into a rich family and they go nowhere with their schooling, and they don't put any effort in, than it doesn't even matter. they can go to all the best private schools in the country, and still no go anywhere.

  7. I think motivation is most important because luck is something that can happen to anyone at anytime any number of times. Its also the only one of the four that we cannot control! Skill is something we can all work for and earn by practicing at something we want to further our progress in. If you're not motivated to do anything then you're not putting in any effort and you most likely wont get any luck.

    1. I agree with you. You wont always be lucky therefore you need to have motivation to get you places, and money.

    2. I think that motivation is the most important too! Without motivation you're not going get anything you want, you have to have motivation and work for it.

  8. The most important one for me is motivation. The way I see it is that with motivation you put in the effort to get a skill. If you're motivated enough you can do many things in life and get to where you want to be. The people born into the wealth are lucky, but that just means the others have to work a bit harder to get there. Motivation is definitely one of the things I need to work on to get to where I would like to be.

  9. I see effort as the most important. Without effort, nothing would get done. while everything else are important factors, you can have all the luck, skill, and motivation, but without effort it all goes to waste.

    1. I agree with you Michael without effort it all goes to waste.

  10. I think the most important factor of wealth is effort because you can be born into a wealthy family and it could be considered "luck" but if you dependent on that "luck" without effort that luck will eventually run out. In this world to become wealthy and to get what you want you need to work for it and put effort into your work and on what you are passionate about.

    1. Yes I agree with you that effort is the most important factor of wealth. No one gets anything handed to them, you have to work for it.

  11. I think the most important factor of wealth is effort. You can have all the other factors but without effort nothing will get done. You can have motivation, luck, and skill but without effort it's like those three don't even exist. With effort you can also better your skills leading to better results. Effort is the most important.

    1. Effort is important. I agree with your points, they are excellent ones.

  12. I think the most important factor in wealth is motivation. I think luck is a wonderful thing, but not everyone is lucky. I think without motivation you aren't going to get anything you want, no matter what it is. If you want something, you need to have motivation to make it work.
